


PNG | 966 Mb


I’m glad to offer this watercolor collection of succulents, flowers and gemstones for your design.

You get:

41 PNG files of each watercolor element (succulents, cacti, flowerpots, flowers and gemstones) on transparent background (max size 4131×1296 pixels, min size 331×350 pixels), 5 PNG files with all elements on transparent background, 5 JPEG files with all elements on white background

4 PNG files with each frame and wreath on transparent background and 4 JPEG files with the same frames and wreaths on white background (min size 9096×7977 pixels)

3 JPEG files with each card on white background (4208×4560 pixels)

12 JPEG files with seamless patterns (4200×4200 pixels)
分类:套装资源 分辨率:300DPI以上
格式:JPG+PNG 内容:花纹图案
大小:966M 编号:C2018442108

未经允许不得转载:Bull Man斗牛士 » ins手绘水彩元素(多肉、仙人掌、花盆、花和宝石)png剪贴素材

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